This next section contains drawings and illustrations that show that might represent the styles I would be interested in painting for the Up Here festival.
I recently completed an MFA and have been playing around with illustration for the past several months. I am extremely interested in painting this dog illustration quite large, but with the abstract patterning seen in the above examples of my work. I would use this dog image as a guide and fill it with colour and patterning.
More of my doggo illustrations can be found here
Along side my mural practice I keep up an institutional art based practice as well. The following image is from a project titled The Foul Bachelor Frog. This work examines a meme that depicts lazy, disgusting and hedonistic behaviours associated with single men.
More of my gallery work can be found under the installation tab this website.
I am mostly interested with creating murals for Up Here, but I would also be interested in creating installations/presenting some of my more institutional art there.